Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm here
Not in yesterday
Not looking at tomorrow
I'm here

This is where I'm supposed to be
That was what it was
And what it is won't be what it will become

Just stay with it now
And don't run back or leap ahead
Or I'll trip and fall in my day
And it's the only one I've got.

I'm here.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like "One" by U2.

tourguide said...

Sounds more like a lot of the non-preachy AA beliefs. You'll lose a life if you keep living in the past or the never-achieved future. Easier said than done, since numerous sociology books talk about how the middle-class and poor differ in this way. The middle-class will put in the time and effort to achieve a career etc, while the poor live in an often chaotic present. I don't know why this is so, but it's difficult to think ahead when your life is one long emergency.

Gina said...

there are all kinds of obstacles, but greater possibilities for overcoming them in the present moment.