Saturday, September 27, 2008

Threats And Common Sense

Was the crazy dude hanging on the ledge of his apartment building naked really a threat to anyone? He could only do harm to himself. There was no reason for the police to zap him and they had to know he'd fall. Might as well cut the $10 million check to her mother now and safe the court fees.

Meanwhile though, we have the mother whose kid was accidentally guided onto a school bus and then let out two miles from home alone and a good samaritan (what we used to call a human being). took him home. Yes, a screw-up. But is this really worth a lawsuit? Sure something horrible could've happened, but it didn't. Sometimes in life people make mistakes but there was no intent to do harm here and this, to me, is not the kind of screw-up that will never happen again because of this lawsuit. And the kid will now go from having a minor inconvenience to thinking that he was somehow traumatized from all this and that something really wrong happened.

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