Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chasing Ghosts

What do I want?
It seems to come up more and more
Where am I supposed to go?
What do you want me to do?

Am I truely past it?
Or just still afraid?
Was beaten down so bad
I'm not sure I have anything left

Afraid to walk down those streets again
Don't know if I can look them in the eye
Keep telling myself it's not what I need anymore
But honestly I'm not so sure

There's a part of me that knows I can still get in the ring
There's a part of that knows I can still take a punch
There's a part of me that wants to taste the blood again
There's a part of me that still thinks I have something to prove

And what if there is no ring to get into?
What if I'm chasing ghosts?
Searching for the wrong concrete
To fill the hole.

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