Friday, June 20, 2008

Writer's Block

Was going to start another one of my fiction efforts but I just can't seem to get it going. The committee won't let my fingers type what my mind is thinking. If I'm not ashamed of my thoughts, I'm at least very guarded about them.

So I want to write about fucking hot chicks in high heels who like to inflict pain. We all have our hang ups. So I want to write tawdry dime store noir trash novels with characters named Mick and Derek and Dirk and Blaine and Sophie and Laura and Rachel and Vanessa and, of course, Danielle. So I want to write a story about a guy who gets seduced by the dame into helping her kill her man only to realize too late that she's going to send him down too. So I want to write in the female voice about a girl who doesn't mind sucking cock to get what she wants or the one who will let you between her legs but never her heart. Actually, that might be the same girl. And the way she licks just under the guy could last more than five minutes in her mouth.

Or maybe I want to write about the kid who can't escape the hell of his home and his touchy-feely uncle and abusive father and absentee mother and the mean kids next door who beat him up every day and the one friend he has who he trusts but that kid gets smashed to pieces by a train on a rainy afternoon after drinking too much beer in the park and passing out on the tracks.

Or perhaps about the guy who finds out his wife is not only having an affair but plotting his demise. Yes, a lot of my stories involve vamps and seductresses looking to lure men into their lair and then hanging them out to dry.

Maybe just some stories about the guy willing to do anything to feed his habit. The guy who ends up in a project at five in the morning doing bad blow with Dominicans who gets the shit beat out of him on the way out the door. Or the time he goes to some woman's apartment to do blow and she warns him to be quiet lest they wake up her daughter.

I'm sure I have other crap in my head. It can't all be this one-note can it? Then again, lots of people make a living on one-note. And I don't care about the making a living part, I just want to fucking finish something. Hell, I'd be happy to start something.

I think I need to go long hand for awhile. Actually do the work. Map something out. This expecting to sit down and crank magic just isn't going to happen.


Gina said...

So why not write a story about a nice girl, you know, something real, the friend zone? Think outside the pants?

wait. am I being blocked?

Anonymous said...

Darling, I love you, which is why I'm going to go with the tough love approach here.

You have 5 readers who have read some pretty x-rated stuff. You are anonymous to anyone else who stumbles onto this blog.

Tell the committee: "Thanks for sharing, but I'm not listening to your lies today" and write whatever the fuck you want.

What other people think of us is none of our business.

Love, LA-X