Friday, May 15, 2009

Back In Town

So of course the day I come back to New York would be one of those gorgeous days where the city is just oozing life on every corner. The sky is cloudless and the streets are alive with color. The diversity that sometimes wore me down looks so bright and beautiful today. A black cabbie listening to Stevie Nicks. Lots of kids in Starbucks who in the past would've annoyed me but today made me just think better they are here than roaming the streets.

Buyer's regret? No. I notice that my energy kicks up way too high when I'm in the city. That feeling that I must be doing something all the time starts to overwhelm me again. I got to my Dad's at 5 p.m. It took two hours for me to get my bag and cab it into town. And yet as soon as I walked in the door my instinct was to head out the door and hit Perry Street. Why? I didn't need a meeting and there was an impromptu family dinner just two hours away. Yet when I am here I really start to pressure myself to always be moving, god forbid I have a second with my thoughts.

In LA, for better or for worse I'm not having that problem. Maybe for now it's better for me to be in a quiet place. As lively as Broadway was tonight and as pretty as everything looked here today, it'll be hot and sticky soon enough and my little apartment would seem like cell soon enough.

It's tough enough for me to sit still, being in a place that demands I don't may not be the best thing for me right now.

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