Sunday, June 17, 2012

Coffee and Scones

Where'd my corner go
The liquor store's gone too
Little kids in the park
And it's after dark
Where's the guy with the magic hat
Always there to get my ticket stamped

Shaw, Petworth, Logan, Thomas
Soon won't scare no one no more
Columbia Heights has no place to score
H Street has little boutiques
And it's all clean on the U Street corridor
Just coffee shops and scones

It's all progress, it's all for the better
But what about the good people
Who got chased out with the bad
No one fixed the pot holes for them
The garbage cans stayed filled
The snow left unplowed

Chased out all the crime
Scared away the sinners
But the saints got the shove too
To make room for me and you
And our coffee shops and scones
Maybe they'd have liked that too

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