Monday, April 21, 2008

Kissing. Getting Paid. Telling.

Been reading more oldest profession blogs. This one girl was interviewed by Diane Sawyer and I guess her folks figured out it was her despite the darkened screen and altered voice.

So I was reading her blog and it has some juicy stuff and some crap and sure, I guess she can write a little. Then again, I think I (and others) get fooled into thinking that any girl writing about giving head is able to write because hell, if I'm getting turned on it must be powerful. Guess what, doesn't take much to turn me on.

I do wonder why they write it up. Is it because if it somehow sounds sexier on the page than it is in the room it must not be so bad?

This is not about being all high and mighty. People do what they do and my thoughts (not that they matter) are all over the map on this one. I can argue any point of view.

Of course, I sit here struggling to put word to screen and am all trapped in my head. There must be some middle ground between no discretion at all and where I'm at, which is so uptight that the words are all jammed somewhere between my esophagus and my sphincter.


Xmastime said...

i...cant be the only one thinking " bout givin us that url, Rambler?" can I

Rambler said...

Does McDnald's tell you to check out what's going on at Burger King?

Gina said...
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Gina said...

off topic of getting paid for it:

i think it's a bad sign when husbands and wives stop kissing. I really do.
a very bad sign indeed.