Monday, April 14, 2008

Small World

In the morning, I heard from a rich and handsome guy who climbed to the top of the music biz and then the cellphone biz and had everything one could want but was empty inside. The poison he was using to try to fill his souless void stopped working and started killing instead.

In the evening, I heard from a modest man who had nothing and lost even that. Jails and institutions were behind him and the only thing in front for him was death. If you passed him on the street you might think life passed him by. But if you know him, you know he embraces the day and all its possibilities.

Both men were completely different from each other and from me and yet we're all the same.


Gina said...

Interesting. People are generally the same when you consider them from a distance. Get in a little closer, and see how one wasted his talents and the other never recognized them. Both came up empty.

What does the modest man have NOW, that he lives his life differently? What or who has he found which now fills the void?

d.c. ferreira said...

I feel inspired and now I must blog!

Angelissima said...

"There are many truths of which the full meaning cannot be realized until personal experience has brought it home."
-John Stuart Mill

Its amazing -- we're all the same.