Saturday, December 27, 2008


I guess I passed the 500 post milestone the other week and didn't realize it. Not a whole lot to say about it. I'm glad I have this thing. It is helping me try to do more writing but I'm still a long way off. I need to really get back on it because frankly I need the distraction. I have no hobbies really or I should say the ones I do are the ones that I need to get rid of or else I'll have some real issues down the road.

Heading into a new year and I have pretty good reason to think it'll be a good one. Yes, it will be challenging and an emotional roller coaster but I think I'm headed down a road I want to go down. I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself but we'll have to see what happens.

I still have a lot of demons to confront but I've done pretty good against the big ones and sooner or later, and my hunch is sooner, I will go after the next big one.

I think I have found something. I think I have had that moment when suddenly things make sense. But at the same time, none of this comes easy to me.

I know I have to write something, finish something. I'm not sure what it is and therein lies the struggle.

Well, this is where my head is at today. I need to take a run now. Blow some of the tension out of my body.

1 comment:

tourguide said...

"The Next Big One." Considering the afflictions you've been dealing with, it must be a Godzilla-infestation of your apartment.