Monday, August 25, 2008

The Art of Jaywalking

There used to be rules to jaywalking. You went for it if you thought you could make it and you came to a full stop before entering into the crosswalk against the light. Nowadays though, no one knows how to do it. In midtown it's not unusual to see dorks just walk through the red light without even looking and regardless of whether traffic is backed up or not. I am pretty much pro pedestrian. but these days between the cell phones, the blackberries and the Ipods, it's hard not to have sympathy for drivers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HOORAY for NY walking!

I still celebrate it here from time to time (knowing that the parochials in this town -- not NY -- would not quite get it, but would let it go). When in NYC, I still slip instincively into that very regular "look right (or left) and then, "GO!" mode and I make dozens of blocks in a minute. But I have been bothered by those who haven't figured it out (both on the premature side, and also on the "Gee, I have to stand here on the curb side until the "walk sign changes" side). So, "Bravo!" to you, Rambler, for voicing something about it!

Walk proud, my friend!!!!!