Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Uh, Just Because

Twice over the last two days I've been asked by people I'm trying to get to do things why they need us to do them.

Truth is, they don't. These people are big enough and powerful enough to get anyone they need on the phone without the help of my little non-profit "think-tank."

I spin them some crap about this being a neutral environment and that we are a "convener" for the industry, yada yada.

What I want to say is, because if you do it with us we get money and you feel good and then we will leave you alone. That's all true except for the last part. We never leave you alone.

Time for group therapy. Jeez, what a life.


Gina said...
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Gina said...
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Gina said...

Sometimes we are just so good at what we do that we make it look too easy. We give the impression that it's really nothing and next thing you know, you've got your opportunists questioning your plan, undermining your authority, effectivley deminishing your sense of worth. Before you know it, you are feeling like useless cog, a court jester fit for scooping ice cream in the town square.I think it's a phenomenon, actually.

I really can't type as well as it seems...but at work, I've got em all fooled.

Trish said...

I think I must find an opportunity to use the word "convener" today.

Rambler said...

use that one along with a "Socratic" moderator