Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Client Number 9

No, I'm not number ten and I'm not stoked to be moving up a slot.

So Spitzer stepped down. He had to do that. I think others might have survived this but not him. Before we get into this `everbody does it, so what's the big deal thing,' lets look at this situation a little closer. This is a man who saw himself as, to quote from today's WSJ, "the moral avenger...the slayer of the big guy, the fat cat, the Wall Street titan--all allegedly on behalf of the little guy."

This is also a guy who took glee in closing down the very businesses he was using. This is also a guy who tried to bend finance rules so his father could bankroll his campaigns. In short, this is a guy who thought the rules he laid down and enforced for everyone else, didn't apply to him.

For those who say he still did a lot of good on Wall Street, truth is most of his big cases went nowhere.

Bottom line though is that in less than a year as governor (and he had Rambler's vote), he alienated both his own party and everyone else. If he didn't resign, an already crippled Albany would grind to a halt. He did the right thing for the party and the state.

And for god's sake Elliot, find cheaper escorts and wear a condom.

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