Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Parasite Is Killing The Host

In interview with the Baltimore Sun City Paper, David Simon, creator of The Wire, explains perfectly how the Internet is killing print and why it matters and what will happen.

Says Simon: "The Internet is skimming the froth of commentary from the first-generation news gatherers like The Sun. They have parasitically achieved immediacy and relevance by co-opting the debate, the humor, the rage, and the provocation that results from the news product--WITHOUT ACTUALLY INVESTING OR COMMITTING IN ANY SERIOUS WAY TO THE SYSTEMIC ACQUISITION OF THAT NEWS."

"And the parasite is killing the host. Is the internet a marvelous tool in myriad ways? Of course. Is it the future? No doubt. But thus far it is not a responsible or viable alternative to a major metropolitan newspaper."

I sent this quote to my brother, also a journalist, who added, "That's right. And one day, when the newspapers have laid all the "print" journalists off, the publishers can all look around and say,`okay, where's the online staff that puts out our web stuff?'"

Of course, this post is the exact example of what Simon is talking about. But at least my intentions are pure and I credited the City Paper.

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