Sunday, March 30, 2008

Rude Awakening?

Maybe I'm way off base on this. Maybe my own opinion is clouding reality, but I think the Sex and the City movie is going to bomb.

I'm also hoping it will. Again, for my own reasons that I'll get into another time. But putting that aside, the track record for TV series trying to make the transition to the big screen is mixed at best. I'm not counting camp revivals like the Brady Bunch movies or Starskey & Hutch. I'm talking about taking the cast of a TV series and trying to do a movie with them.

I also don't think the movie, like the show, plays outside New York. Yeah, yeah, I know. The reruns on TBS are doing well. The DVDs were popular. I get it. I still think the stories have played out and it will seem like a made-for-TV movie that somehow found its way onto the big screen. Yes, the reviews will be good because no critic will want to slam it. And it may even open well, but staying power? I doubt it.

The youth market, which drives what works at the multiplex, is not going to give a rat's ass about--as Gawker put it when the site was still cool--an old whore and her John.

Rambler has some bitterness about this show. I don't know why. Yes, SATC documented the eventual decline of New York into pretty people in pretty places with big bank accounts with a certain glee. The show claims it was ultimately about four friends, but it was really about four people obsessed with themselves without any soul. Maybe that had something to do with it. Or maybe it was my own envy as while SATC was becoming the must-see show for NYers, I was off in another place in another part of town in my own private hell.

For me, this is a sequel that I don't need to see.

1 comment:

Angelissima said...

You're probably right -- and the public is fickle.

I watched a few episodes last night on TBS. They do catch the viewers attention and leave them wanting more.

How many men admit to watching SITC? I know they DO; but would they spend $10 to "catch-up with the girls" for 2+ hours?

In my humble opinion, guys watch for the kinky sex parts anyway.

I dated a really shy guy for a few weeks who admitted to watching to learn "how a woman's mind works".

Honey, most women DO NOT think like those four, nor do we aspire to their motives and/or opportunities.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.