Thursday, September 20, 2007

Watch This Space

Sorry, been out of it the past few days. I want to post something of weight but until that comes together I thought a quick update on the week that was.

I was miserable most of the week. My job was getting me down. It shouldn't. It's not the worst job in the world and it pays pretty well. Nonetheless it does. I need to get over that and focus on doing my work and finding a new job. I accept that this is the job I have right now, but I also accept that I need to make a change.

I guess I'm holding off on quitting group. Saw a new shrink and he wants me to stay in group for now (they must all be in cahoots). I'll still see the new guy, perhaps on a short-term basis.

I was letdown by a friend of mine. I think what bugs me more is that my friend doesn't quite grasp why I feel letdown or might by upset. That he is minimizing my feelings also annoys me. This is too long and complex to waste space here.

Anyway, not a lot of deep thought. Time to take matters into my own hands and hopefully I'll have something of more substance over the weekend.

Oh, and the Skins are undefeated!


BayonneMike said...

I got to be honest, Rambler, I've never seen the point of therapy (or maybe I've just seen too many Woody Allen movies). I'm sure it helps some people, but if you've got friends and you've got access to a library, why not try to work things out on your own? Or maybe I'm just cheap.

Rambler said...

believe me mike, you don't want to hear this shit all the time. that's why I have to pay someone to listen to it!

BayonneMike said...

That makes sense. One of my friends can be a little overbearing when he's unloading his troubles. I guess it all depends on how much you're carrying around.

only waiting for this moment... said...

You said: "I think what bugs me more is that my friend doesn't quite grasp why I feel letdown or might by upset. That he is minimizing my feelings also annoys me."

I say: Sounds like you are let down or upset because he doesn't understand, not because he doesn't care. If you have already tried to explain yourself, can you forgive him for not meeting your needs and accept the things you cannot change?

Rambler said...


Gina said...

Group...where you keep hashing over the past, in search of closure and healing.

It seems that it's never really over until you DO forgive and realize that you're a very sensitive and caring person in the end and will no doubt use that to reach others. The fact that you are able to be so transparent as you are, gives indication that you are going to be fine! I can't even do that.
Beauty from ashes.