Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Anything Can Happen Day

In the old Mickey Mouse Club, Wednesday was anything can happen day. I'm pretty sure nothing is going to happen today, but I always liked the idea that anything could.

Also just wanted to check in. Like going to the gym, this thing is easy to forget about if I don't make the effort. Haven't posted since Sunday which is a long time for me. That's in part because nothing has happened that I felt was worth posting.

But if I think about it, that's not really true. I may have some meetings soon on the career front. I may be playing gin with my Dad tonight. He's been on me about getting together and we know how much I love that. But a few weeks ago I flashed back to when we used to play gin and I did enjoy that. It was one of the few activities we did together that was enjoyable. The other activity would be his attempts at teaching me math which consisted of yelling loudly because somehow that would make be understand fractions better.

I may be making moves to up my social life too although I'm a little gun shy. I guess I'm the maybe man. Everything is I may do this, I may do that.

For now this is what I got.


Angelissima said...

Hey that's interesting. You called him by mistake the other day and now you're playing Gin. Kismet?

Go for it with the social thing. What have you got to lose? Its just a date and you don't have to sleep with her...I mean, you could I guess...I'm not giving any advice, but really she should wait until the third date as a minimum ....hey! hang on! Its just a date. Don't read so much into it...

I'm curious about something. Do men really disrespect women who put out on the first date? Is that archaic

I have no idea how singletons reason these days...what is the protocol?

Anonymous said...

if it's any consolation, my father and I used to get into huge fights over math homework. Mostly b/c he thought I should understand it instantly and I would have preferred to be reading comic books.

Anonymous said...

wow. Your dad actually taught you something? Mine was a teacher and did his best to avoid our school work. did your dad give you unwarrented noogies? when you least expected it? I would be thrilled if my dad asked me over for a game of scrabble. not gonna happen. just thrilled when he comes over to watch a football game. good for you, Rambler.

i know you asked him but i must interject here. if you can't disrespect a woman who puts out on the first date, then who the heck can you disrespect? i mean besides the nasty rude backstabbing interrupting spend your money complaining babbling miserable and boring woman? time does not change human nature. and as much as you don't want to feel that way i think it happens. the woman falls a least a notch. course i may be wrong....

Anonymous said...

"Young man, are you bound and determined that this train never reach the North Pole?"

Of course he'll lose all respect! That's what they do!!!