Thursday, December 20, 2007

That's Not What I Meant!!!

Just because the last post began with a Carrie Bradshaw-like intro doesn't mean I was talking about a skirt. I was talking about a job! A trip into my professional past (and no, that doesn't mean a night with professionals for everyone out there who wanted to make that crack) is a possibility. I don't have to decide anything right now. Just exploring. I can't decide if I'm moving towards something or retreating back into something. But sometimes one needs to take two steps back just to take one forward. At least I hope so.


Anonymous said...

... consider the grey squirrel who while seeking a route to the higher branches, must sometimes descend...or risk more by jumping...

Gina said...

i saw a squirrel outside my window who appeared to be biding his time trying to stay warm, tail close to his back like a scarf, and his arms folded against his little squirrely chest. I think he was considering the pros and cons before going after his next nut.

Anonymous said...

Why so fixated on what "people might think" or what you're "supposed to do." Is this something that is genuinely interesting to you-- without all the judgements? Give yourself a break and find some space.

Angelissima said...

Gina, did you know that Princeton features black squirrels?

We're integrated.

Anyway, for my two cents:
You're not exactly thrilled with how you're making your living right now.
Go for the bliss - baby - go for the bliss! Damned be the cash.
Ya can't buy happiness.
(I assure you the above statement is my last cliché of the night)

Gina said...

you might try small changes in your life first. try setting short term goals, such as adjusting your lifestyle in order to be more comfortable with less money. Trying some kind of other work on the side, maybe part time free-lance writing, since you are a good writer. Things which would not require a commitment but which will lighten your burden about making a huge change. Maybe just keeping lines of communication open with this person will give you a renewed sense of hope for the thing you've been thinking about. OR....just go for it. You are intelligent and appear young. Downplay your experience if age is not to your advantage. Shoot for the stars and don't let your negative self talk rob you of the joy of the adventure~!

Rambler said...

it's not that much less, but thanks

Gina said...

it was right out of "what color is your parachute", anyhoot. i always forget to pack a chute...that's why.