Saturday, June 23, 2007

Something's Slightly Askew

Fluff keeps yapping. I know. I have a cat named Fluff. Actually, I have two cats--Skinny and Fluff. I got tired of trying to give them clever names (Leopold and Loeb, Igor and Basil, etc.) and my then girlfriend started calling them Skinny and Fluff (they're identical twins except one is long hair) and it stuck.

Anyway, it's not Fluff that is askew, he always is yapping. I'm askew. All worked up and I don't know about what. Been hitting the Internet entertainment hard the last week. I don't know what I'm trying to escape but I feel very antsy. I'm not going to act on it, at least I hope not. I'm on the subway today and it is loaded with pretty girls and all of a sudden I'm envisioning all sorts of things. I know, hey we all do that. This was different. It was too real. I've got something eating at me but I don't know what it is or I do know and I can't bring myself to confront it so instead I go to all lengths to avoid being in my skin and since I don't use the old ways of escape I'm not left with self-serving gratification. On the one hand, one could admire my prowess (six times in two days, not bad for someone well past the age of 30!). But that's just a dodge. It may be family related. Hell, I originally was going to post about the Vietnamese refugee we took in during the 70s. It's a funny story when I tell it, but somehow I can't capture the humor when I try to write it. Maybe it's not so funny after all. Anyway, I banged out a bunch of stuff on it and Jersey and all sorts of other crap but it just wasn't going anywhere. Maybe I'm not there yet when it comes to trying to make some sense of shit.

I want to be witty and sharp and have amusing stories but as I look at everything I've posted it's clear I'm not there. Of course, I can't just say I'm going to write funny. It doesn't work like that. BTW, before I resume with whatever this post is about I've got to just bitch about what a piece of shit MacBooks are. They suck. If you're thinking of getting one, don't do it. The mouse is hypersensitive, the keypad is too small and it is real easy to accidentally delete shit. There are lots of other problems too. Look, I'm not Walt Mossberg and I'm sure this is really a wonderful machine and my problems with it are of my own doing but I've never had issues like this with any other laptop I've owned.

I now realize I've done it again. A post that goes all over the place and ends up nowhere. On that note...

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