Sunday, October 14, 2007

Remember The Titans, Forget The Uniforms!

It's another throwback Sunday and today the Jets are wearing the uniforms they wore in season one when they were the Titans. They're kind of bland. I don't want to say hideous, but they sort of look the Rams uniforms without the flair.

Some of these jerseys and helmets are pretty ugly. Last month, the Redskins wore jerseys that the team had worm for all of two years or so in the early 1970s. The uniforms look exactly like the Packer uniforms, no surprise as they were designed after Vince Lombardi joined the Skins as head coach. He died before he got to a second season, but the helmet he inspired, which looked like the Packers helmet with an "R" replacing the "P" unfortunately lived on for awhile longer.

Bottom line. I'm tired of throwback uniforms. It was fun when the league first pushed it years ago but now it is clearly a cynical ploy to sell yet another line of jerseys. I know that was always a factor, but now it just seems like the only reason. And some of these throwbacks need to be thrown away.

1 comment:

here. said...

the unis made em look like a high school team-- which i found kinda funny, since they remind me at times of...