Tuesday, January 8, 2008

F... Me Gently With A Chainsaw

Don't know why, but that line from Heathers is crying out to me today. For every idiotic thing I read, hear, and think about, that is the comeback from my brain. It kind of reminds me of a Passover Sedar when we say Dayanu over and over again (It would have been enough) during the service.

Dr. Phil visits Brittney Spears. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

Jerry Seinfeld's annoying wife sued for "allegedly" ripping off a cookbook. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

Roger Clemens on 60 Minutes. Fuck me gently..., hell you get the idea.

So just try it for today and see how it works. And rent Heathers, it makes Mean Girls look like High School Musical.


Angelissima said...

aw! that Winona Ryder is such a cutie. I caught a minute or two of "Reality Bites" the other day. I hate those cool gen x buddy movies, and Janene Garofalo B-O-R-I-N-G (poor gal is totally pidgeon-holed into the drab bitch mold) but Winona was sooooo adorable. The hair, the sunglasses...

I wanna Winona! I sat next to her at the Ivy like in '96. Thrills and Chills! The best part, I didn't even know this cute lil bistro the Ivy was "THE" Ivy until all these celebs start showing up. Nobody really great, Melrose Place cast members and such, that I knew of anyway. The best part is the Paparazzi thought I was someone when I was leaving and took my pic! hahhahhaaaa!

I still can't figure out why she started shoplifting.

Rambler said...

I've been to the Ivy too...

Angelissima said...

ohhh go while you're out there, say hi to Marcia Cross for me!