Saturday, January 5, 2008

They Left It All On The Field

Yeah, that's a cliche, but fuck it. Redskins did the best they could, almost took it. No shame with how they played although blowing the 30-yard field goal was certainly a crusher. Oh well, heck a month ago no one was even thinking post season so good for the Skins.

Otherwise, uneventful Saturday. Got a VERY short haircut. I'm at that stage where the shorter the cut, the more hair I have--it's the less is more approach. I'm almost over the blow off from the girl, had to realize that even though I know there wasn't really a future there it still stings, especially when it seems to come out of left field. If anything, I needed the dating practice and now I have to find a new lab rat for experimentation.

On the career front, headed out to LA next week to see if the past is in my future. They say in my world that we will not regret the past, but they don't say anything about going back to work in it. Ha, kidding. But still, I really need to figure out if this is a good opportunity to get back to something I used to love or am I just making a defensive move and basically getting back with an ex because I'm worried there's nothing else on the horizon? All food for thought.

Was going to end this with a riff on masturbation and how guys do it or don't do it and why the idea of, uh, climaxing on myself without some sort of a buffer zone kind of grosses me out. Like I said, I was going to get into this as part of my desire to just lay it out there, but I guess I'm not ready to talk about masturbation, orgasms and whether to use a paper towel or not.

Maybe next time.


Angelissima said...

This is wild:

Big Book thumping poetry noir.

"I do not regret the past nor wish to close the door on it."

You're only as sick as your secrets, and I know you know the correct answer - take no hostages.

I don't know if we afford the luxury of going back. What are your triggers and motives for doing so?

Its one of those "man in the mirror" moments. The shear admission of wanting to get back with your ex because she may be the only game in town is wrong, wrong, wrong! Awful. Good Lord, put yourself in her shoes, man!

Share this with someone, stat.
Geographical cures never turn out the way we expect.

That being said, the quote reads, "...nor wish to close the door on it." but I don't think that pertains to sexually predatory actions.

Just my two-cents, yo.

ps: I love your candidness. You do really know yourself...enough to question, and that's awesome.

Gina said...
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Gina said...

Sometimes, especially in your middle aged years, you find yourself wanting to revisit the past, in your case, LA. You might be asking asking yourself, " What if I had married that woman? What if I had stayed out there?" What if________. I don't know what it is about LA that brings the single black mother to mind. "whadabidnititaYOUwhomybabydaddyid?"

but whatever you do, Rambler, just remember: test the waters, watch out for hidden agenda and the things which pull you away from what is best for the Rambler. Don't neglect your health. Stay away from greasy spoon joints, all night Hollywood parties, drugs, Alcohol and buggers. Cover your mouth, brush and floss, attend meetings, church if possible, and use your Kleenex. Always.

Rambler said...

The past I'm talking about here is really my career past, not an ex. A job, not a girl. Really. Just my old career and whether I want to get back into it again. But the advice is good regardless.

And yes, I'll stay away from old Hollywood haunts--I'm too old for them anyway.

Angelissima said...

ha! sorry bout that. nice metaphor. we're all so fixated on your love-life.